Supplying the Best Brands of Rod Holders in the Market
Rod Holders
Due to limited shipping methods available, we cannot include Rod Holders, T-Bars and Base Plates in our shopping cart without having outrageous shipping totals. Please call Ed at 704 791 0108 to order these items.
Thank You
Ed Duke
Rod Holders and Accessories
There are many brands of rod holders on the market, but some of the best you will find are not on any shelves in the stores. Let me tell you about Stanly Creek rod holders. A fully adjustable stainless steel designed for right and left side capabilities. This lets you decide which way you like to let your reel set in the holder. The Wateree Rod holder is also stainless steel, which can be bent to adjust to your rod position on the boat. For the price of a stainless steel holder, you can't beat them. Both designs have 3/8 threaded stems that mount on the t-bar. The t-bar are stainless steel 4 holder bars that are 24" wide and come in various heights from 2" to 10" tall. The T-bars are mounted to the boat with several sizes of base plates. The base plates accept a 1/2" threaded bolt that is attached to the t-bar. Take a look and go to the on-line store( this is the preferred method due to a more secure way to track your order) or call 704-791-0108